32 research outputs found

    Theoretical models of free-free microwave emission from solar magnetic loops

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    The free-free microwave emission is calculated from a series of model magnetic loops. The loops are surrounded by a cooler external plasma, as required by recent simultaneous X ray and microwave observations, and a narrow transition zone separating the loops from the external plasma. To be consistent with the observational results, upper limits on the density and temperature scale lengths in the transition zone are found to be 360 km and 250 km, respectively. The models which best produce agreement with X ray and microwave observations also yielded emission measure curves which agree well with observational emission measure curves for solar active regions

    Extreme-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Observation of Direct Coronal Heating During a C-Class Solar Flare

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    With the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer operating in rapid cadence (9.8 s) stare mode during a C6.6 flare on the solar disk, we observed a sudden brightening of Fe xix line emission (formed at temperature T 8 MK) above the pre-flare noise without a corresponding brightening of emission from ions formed at lower temperatures, including He i (0.01 MK), Ov (0.25 MK), and Si xii (2 MK). The sudden brightening persisted as a plateau of Fe xix intensity that endured more than 11 minutes. The Fe xix emission at the rise and during the life of the plateau showed no evidence of significant bulk velocity flows, and hence cannot be attributed to chromospheric evaporation. However, the line width showed a significant broadening at the rise of the plateau, corresponding to nonthermal velocities of at least 89 km s1 due to reconnection outflows or turbulence. During the plateau He i, Ov, and Si xii brightened at successively later times starting about 3.5 minutes after Fe xix, which suggests that these brightenings were produced by thermal conduction from the plasma that produced the Fe xix line emission; however, we cannot rule out the possibility that they were produced by a weak beam of nonthermal particles. We interpret an observed shortening of the Ov wavelength for about 1.5 minutes toward the middle of the plateau to indicate new upward motions driven by the flare, as occurs during gentle chromospheric evaporation; relative to a quiescent interval shortly before the flare, the Ov upward velocity was around 10 km s1

    Plasma Properties and Magnetic Field Structure of the Solar Corona, Based on Coordinated Max 1991 Observations from SERTS, the VLA, and Magnetographs

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    The purposes of this investigation are to determine the plasma properties and magnetic field structure of the solar corona using coordinated observations obtained with NASA/GSFC's Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), the Very Large Array (VLA), and magnetographs. The observations were obtained under the auspices of NASA's Max '91 program. The methods of achieving the stated purposes are to use SERTS spectra and spectroheliograms to determine coronal plasma properties such as temperature, density, and emission measure. These properties are subsequently used to calculate the intensity of the thermal bremsstrahlung microwave emission from the coronal plasma (the minimum microwave intensity expected from the emitting plasma). This, in turn, can be used to establish which emission mechanism(s) contribute to the observed microwave emission. Because both mechanisms that may contribute to quiescent active region microwave emission (thermal bremsstrahlung and thermal gyroemission) depend upon the coronal magnetic field in known ways, this information can ultimately be used to derive the coronal magnetic field. Ideally, three-dimensional models of the coronal plasma and magnetic field which are consistent with all of the EUV spectra and spectroheliograms, as well as with the intensity and polarization maps at all of the microwave observing frequencies, can be derived. For completeness, the coronal magnetic field derived from the coordinated multiwaveband observations must be compared with extrapolations from photospheric magnetograms

    Absolute radiometric calibration of the EUNIS-06 170-205 A channel and calibration update for CDS/NIS

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    The Extreme-Ultraviolet Normal-Incidence Spectrograph sounding-rocket payload was flown on 2006 April 12 (EUNIS-06), carrying two independent imaging spectrographs covering wave bands of 300-370 A in first order and 170-205 A in second order, respectively. The absolute radiometric response of the EUNIS-06 long-wavelength (LW) channel was directly measured in the same facility used to calibrate CDS prior to the SOHO launch. Because the absolute calibration of the short-wavelength (SW) channel could not be obtained from the same lab configuration, we here present a technique to derive it using a combination of solar LW spectra and density- and temperature-insensitive line intensity ratios. The first step in this procedure is to use the coordinated, cospatial EUNIS and SOHO/CDS spectra to carry out an intensity calibration update for the CDS NIS-1 waveband, which shows that its efficiency has decreased by a factor about 1.7 compared to that of the previously implemented calibration. Then, theoretical insensitive line ratios obtained from CHIANTI allow us to determine absolute intensities of emission lines within the EUNIS SW bandpass from those of cospatial CDS/NIS-1 spectra after the EUNIS LW calibration correction. A total of 12 ratios derived from intensities of 5 CDS and 12 SW emission lines from Fe Fe X - Fe XIII yield an instrumental response curve for the EUNIS-06 SW channel that matches well to a relative calibration which relied on combining measurements of individual optical components. Taking into account all potential sources of error, we estimate that the EUNIS-06 SW absolute calibration is accurate to about 20%.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. 2010, ApJ Suppl. In pres

    Plasma properties and magnetic field structure of the solar corona, based on coordinated Max 1991 observations from SERTS, the VLA, and magnetographs

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    The purposes of this investigation are to use existing, calibrated, coaligned sets of coordinated multiwaveband observations of the Sun to determine the coronal magnetic field strength and structure, and interpret the collective observations in terms of a self-consistent model of the coronal plasma and magnetic field. This information is vital to understanding processes such as coronal heating, solar wind acceleration, pre-flare energy storage, and active region evolution. Understanding these processes is the central theme of Max '91, the NASA-supported series of solar observing campaigns under which the observations acquired for this work were obtained. The observations came from NASA/GSFC's Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), the Very Large Array (VLA), and magnetographs. The technique of calculating the coronal magnetic field is to establish the contributions to the microwave emission from the two main emission mechanisms: thermal bremsstrahlung and thermal gyroemission. This is done by using the EUV emission to determine values of the coronal plasma quantities needed to calculate the thermal bremsstrahlung contribution to the microwave emission. Once the microwave emission mechanism(s) are determined, the coronal magnetic field can be calculated. A comparison of the coronal magnetic field derived from the coordinated multiwaveband observations with extrapolations from photospheric magnetograms will provide insight into the nature of the coronal magnetic field

    Plasma Properties and Magnetic Field Structure of the Solar Corona, Based on Coordinated Max '91 Observations from SERTS, the VLA, and Magnetographs

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    The plasma properties and magnetic field structure of the solar corona were determined using coordinated observations obtained with NASA/GSFC's Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), the Very Large Array (VLA), and Kitt Peak photospheric longitudinal magnetograms. A problem was identified with the SERTS calibration as determined from laboratory measurements. A revised calibration curve was derived by requiring that the numerous available measured line intensity ratios agreed with their respective theoretical values. Densities were derived from line intensity ratios, and active region densities were found to typically exceed quiet Sun densities by factors of only about 2. The active region density was found to remain constant across the SERTS slit, despite the fact that the emission line intensities vary significantly. This indicates that the product of the path length and the volume filling factor must vary significantly from the active region outskirts to the central core. Filling factors were derived and found to range from much less than one to nearly unity. Wavelength shifts were examined along the SERTS slit in the spatially resolved spectra, but no evidence was found for significant Doppler shifts in active region 7563 or in the quiet Sun. The numerical procedure developed by Monsignori-Fossi and Landini was used to derive the active region and quiet sun differential emission measure (DEM) from the spatially averaged spectra. A DEM was estimated for each spatial pixel in the two dimensional active region images by scaling the averaged active region DEM based upon corresponding pixel intensities of SERTS Mg IX, Fe XV, and Fe XVI images. These results, along with density measurements, were used in an IDL computer code which calculated the temperature dependence of the coronal magnetic field in each spatial pixel by minimizing the difference between the observed and calculated 20 and 6 cm microwave brightness temperatures

    Underflight calibration of SOHO/CDS and Hinode/EIS with EUNIS-07

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    Flights of Goddard Space Flight Center's Extreme-Ultraviolet Normal-Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) sounding rocket in 2006 and 2007 provided updated radiometric calibrations for SOHO/CDS and Hinode/EIS. EUNIS carried two independent imaging spectrographs covering wavebands of 300-370 A in first order and 170-205 A in second order. After each flight, end-to-end radiometric calibrations of the rocket payload were carried out in the same facility used for pre-launch calibrations of CDS and EIS. During the 2007 flight, EUNIS, SOHO CDS and Hinode EIS observed the same solar locations, allowing the EUNIS calibrations to be directly applied to both CDS and EIS. The measured CDS NIS 1 line intensities calibrated with the standard (version 4) responsivities with the standard long-term corrections are found to be too low by a factor of 1.5 due to the decrease in responsivity. The EIS calibration update is performed in two ways. One is using the direct calibration transfer of the calibrated EUNIS-07 short wavelength (SW) channel. The other is using the insensitive line pairs, in which one member was observed by EUNIS-07 long wavelength (LW) channel and the other by EIS in either LW or SW waveband. Measurements from both methods are in good agreement, and confirm (within the measurement uncertainties) the EIS responsivity measured directly before the instrument's launch. The measurements also suggest that the EIS responsivity decreased by a factor of about 1.2 after the first year of operation. The shape of the EIS SW response curve obtained by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the one measured in laboratory prior to launch. The absolute value of the quiet-Sun He II 304 A intensity measured by EUNIS-07 is consistent with the radiance measured by CDS NIS in quiet regions near the disk center and the solar minimum irradiance obtained by CDS NIS and SDO/EVE recently.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted by ApJ Supplement (Sep. 2011

    Early Chromospheric Response During a Solar Microflare Observed with SOHO's CDS and RHESSI

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    We observed a solar microflare with RHESSI and SOHO's Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on 2009 July 5. With CDS we obtained rapid cadence (7 s) stare spectra within a narrow field of view toward the center of AR 11024. The spectra contain emission lines from ions that cover a wide range of temperature, including He I (< 0.025 MK), O V (0.25 MK), Si XII (2 MK), and Fe XIX (8 MK). The start of a precursor burst of He I and O V line emission preceded the steady increase of Fe XIX line emission by about 1 minute, and the emergence of 3-12 keV X-ray emission by about 4 minutes. Thus the onset of the microflare was observed in upper chromospheric (He I) and transition region (O V) line emission before it was detected in high temperature flare plasma emission. Redshifted O V emission during the precursor suggests explosive chromospheric evaporation, but no corresponding blueshifts were found with either Fe XIX (which was very weak) or Si XII. Similarly, in subsequent microflare brightenings the O V and He I intensities increased (between 49 s and almost 2 minutes) before emissions from the hot flare plasma. Although these time differences likely indicate heating by a nonthermal particle beam, the RHESSI spectra provide no additional evidence for such a beam. In intervals lasting up to about 3 minutes during several bursts, the He I and O V emission line profiles showed secondary, highly blueshifted ( approximately 200 km/s) components; during intervals lasting nearly 1 minute the velocities of the primary and secondary components were oppositely directed. Combined with no corresponding blueshifts in either Fe XIX or Si XII, this indicates that explosive chromospheric evaporation occurred predominantly at either comparatively cool temperatures (< 2 MK) or within a hot temperature range to which our observations were not sensitive (e.g., between 2 and 8 MK)

    The Structure and Properties of Solar Active Regions and Quiet-Sun Areas Observed in Soft X-Rays with Yohkoh/SXT and in the Extreme-Ultraviolet with SERTS

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    We observed two solar active regions (NOAA regions 7563 and 7565), quiet-Sun areas, and a coronal hole region simultaneously with Goddard Space Flight Center's Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) and with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on 1993 August 17. SERTS provided spatially resolved active region and quiet-Sun slit spectra in the 280 to 420 A wavelength range, and images in the lines of He II 位303.8, Mg IX 位368.1, Fe XV 位284.1, and Fe XVI 位位335.4 and 360.8 SXT provided images through multiple broadband filters in both the full-frame imaging mode and the partial-frame imaging mode. The SERTS images in Fe XV (log Tmax = 6.33, where Tmax is the temperature which maximizes the fractional ion abundance in the available ionization equilibrium calculations, i.e., the formation temperature) and Fe XVI (log Tmax = 6.43) exhibit remarkable morphological similarity to the SXT images. Whereas the Fe XV and XVI images outline the loop structures seen with SXT, the cooler He II (log Tmax = 4.67) and Mg IX (log Tmax = 5.98) images outline loop footpoints. In addition, the Mg IX emission outlines other structures not necessarily associated with the hot loops; these may be cool (T 1 脳 106 K) loops. From the spatially resolved slit spectra, we obtained emission-line profiles for lines of He II 位303.8, Mg IX 位368.1, Fe XIII 位348.2, Si XI 位303.3, Fe XIV 位334.2, Fe XV 位284.1, and Fe XVI 位335.4 for each spatial position. Based upon the spatial variations of the line intensities, active region 7563 systematically narrows when viewed with successively hotter lines, and appears narrowest in the broadband soft X-ray emission. The active region width (full width at half-maximum intensity) diminishes linearly with log Tmax; the linear fit yields an extrapolated effective log Tmax of 6.51 卤 0.01 for the X-ray emission. The most intense, central core straddles the magnetic neutral line. Active region and quiet-Sun one-dimensional temperature scans were derived from intensity ratios of spatially resolved SERTS slit spectral lines, and from coregistered SXT filter ratios. The highest plasma temperatures were measured in the most intense, central core of region 7563. The temperatures derived from Fe XVI 位335.4/Fe XV 位284.1 and Fe XVI 位335.4/Fe XIV 位334.2 vary significantly (based upon the measurement uncertainties) but not greatly (factors of less than 1.5) across the slit. The average log T values derived from the above two ratios for region 7563 are 6.39 卤 0.04 and 6.32 卤 0.02, respectively. Somewhat larger systematic variations were obtained from all available SXT filter ratios. The average active region log T values derived from the SXT AlMgMn/thin Al, thick Al/thin Al, and thick Al/AlMgMn filter ratios are 6.33 卤 0.03, 6.45 卤 0.02, and 6.49 卤 0.03, respectively. Active region and quiet-Sun one-dimensional density scans were derived from intensity ratios of spatially resolved SERTS slit spectral lines of Fe XIII and Fe XIV. The derived densities show neither systematic nor significant variations along the slit in either the active region or the quiet-Sun, despite the fact that the intensities themselves vary substantially. This indicates that the product of the volume filling factor and the path length (f螖l) must be greater by factors of 3-5 in the active region core than in the outskirts. Furthermore, the derived active region densities are ~2 times the quiet-Sun densities. This density difference is adequate to explain the factor of ~4 intensity difference in Fe XII and Fe XIII between the active and quiet areas, but it is not adequate to explain the factor of ~8 intensity difference in Fe XIV between the active and quiet areas. We attribute the latter to a greater f螖l in the active regions. Statistically significant Doppler shifts are not detected in region 7563 or in the quiet-Sun with any of the EUV lines

    Solar Flare Impulsive Phase Observations from SDO and Other Observatories

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    With the start of normal operations of the Solar Dynamics Observatory in May 2010, the Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) have been returning the most accurate solar XUV and EUV measurements every 10 and 12 seconds, respectively, at almost 100% duty cycle. The focus of the presentation will be the solar flare impulsive phase observations provided by EVE and AIA and what these observations can tell us about the evolution of the initial phase of solar flares. Also emphasized throughout is how simultaneous observations with other instruments, such as RHESSI, SOHO-CDS, and HINODE-EIS, will help provide a more complete characterization of the solar flares and the evolution and energetics during the impulsive phase. These co-temporal observations from the other solar instruments can provide information such as extending the high temperature range spectra and images beyond that provided by the EUV and XUV wavelengths, provide electron density input into the lower atmosphere at the footpoints, and provide plasma flows of chromospheric evaporation, among other characteristics